Unable to host audiences en masse for performances in the actual building, The Arts Club of Chicago opted, during a pandemic-induced hibernation, to explore the generative potential of emptiness. The club invited three artists in three disciplines to ponder the question, “What does one do with an empty institution?” Musician Angel Bat Dawid, Dancer Jasmine Mendoza, and Theater maker Kurt Chiang (with their collaborators Isaiah Collier, Keaton Fox, and Livia Chesley respectively) took on the task of making art for and from a void. The three lead artists, with programmer Jenna Lyle, discuss their discoveries from the process and the inherent contradictions in the original prompt: is an arts institution ever really empty?
View Tiny Performances in Empty Rooms on Sunday, April 11 at 5 p.m. CDT on the EXPO CHICAGO microsite here, and join for this in-depth follow-up.
Presented in partnership with The Arts Club of Chicago
11:30 am CST, Monday April 12, 2021